Although now one of the most recognizable symbols of Scotland, clan tartans are relatively new and tartans were more commonly used in a specific land area than by a clan. It was Queen Victoria and Prince Albert who were fascinated by all things Scottish and brought the wearing of the tartan into popularity.
The tartan of Clan Colquhoun is well documented, appearing in very early collections. It was certified by our Chief, with his seal and signature, in the archive of the Highland Society of London about 1816. The clan tartan, in its present form, was woven by Wilson’s of Bannockburn at the beginning of the 19th century and recorded in the firms’ pattern books dated 1819 making Colquhoun one of the oldest clan tartans.
Historically Clan Colquhoun has had two accepted tartans, the ancient and the modern. Both are the same, a red stripe which is flanked on both sides by green, then a white stripe and a black stripe. The only variation is in the tones of the colours, reflecting the changes in dye techniques. However, a weathered version has been recently been added. All other variations will be modern inventions, and are not officially recognized.

Modern Tartan

Ancient Tartan

Weathered Tartan